Your ease is Here

Take your ease in what is actually Here. Nothing of time-space is actually here. This is what you have dreamed into apparent existence. The only thing that can truly be here is goodness-without-opposite, peace unending, and love ever-present. If you are seeing anything else, it means that there is still an impulse to cover up what is Real, what can never be damaged or hurt.

It is not possible to rest on a shifting, changing surface, but it is possible to rest in the goodness-without-opposite that always shines beneath it. Here in this dream, you learn to rest consistently in goodness-without-opposite, and you allow the form of the dream to resolve in a reflection of peace. No one resting in peace needs to gaze upon a reflection of it, so you eventually let the reflection go. You do not need a reflection of love when you are resting in the real thing.

None of the characters that you see in this dream you made with thought needs to fulfill an ideal. Ideals are based upon the appearance of form. Ego tells you that once you can get the form looking a certain way, you can be happy. Ego tells you that you cannot be happy until your ideal is reached. Spirit reminds you that you are resting in happiness always, and the happiness that you and all Are right now has nothing to do with how a form appears. When you offer no more resistance to form, Spirit can do what it wills with it. Spirit can always use form in service to your return to the full awareness of Home.

The characters you encounter in thought and in the physical (just another form of thought) always help you see what you need to let go of. If they seem to disturb you in any way, they are demonstrating the disturbing thoughts you still hold in your mind. In this way, they are very helpful. Locate the thought and let it go, intentionally replacing it with a thought of truth, and your product demonstrators no longer feel the call to show up for you as they have been. No matter what, though, they are always helpful. They only show you what you can release now. Once you release what you are holding in your mind, your fellow beings no longer have the assignment to reflect it back to you.

Anything that can seem to disturb you is not in a real here. The feeling of disturbance is a helpful indicator that you believe a fake here is the Real Here. The feeling of stress shows you that you think the nightmare you made with thought is real. You’re going to see a different version of “fake here” before you allow yourself to return fully to what is truly Here. “Fake here” is going to reflect peace back to you, and your job now is to allow this correction in perception to occur. When you are willing to become aware of what is really here and what isn’t, your perception can be corrected accordingly.

We are truly Here, and so are you. We cannot be where you are not. It is our delight to accompany you always on your journey of perception correction.

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