Heralds of freedom

A feeling of tension means that you are blocking what is truly here for you. It is always an opportunity when you notice this. Here in this moment, what you do not need can be dismantled, and what has always been here can shine through. You will come to regard these moments of discovering tension as heralds of freedom. You have noticed, so finally you can allow the shackles of limits to fall away.

The feeling of tension means that you are clinging to something, and it is never anything real or helpful to you or anyone. You already have all that you need in what you Are, as do all. When you feel tension, you can find the idea to which you are clinging, and you can now set it aside as meaningless and unhelpful. There are helpful thoughts here to guide you, and they make themselves obvious as you set the meaningless aside.

When you let go, you realize that you are not in a free fall. You realize that you are already held. What holds you? What you Are. What all Are. What is Real. What has always been here and always will be here. All fantasies pass away, but what is here to rely upon is always here and is always holding you in safety.

When you think you know which direction things are supposed to go, it is time to relax out of that thought. Everything takes the form it needs to take without your interference. Tension is the sign that you are attempting to interfere with that which would only help you.

There is truly nothing here that will hurt you. You can imagine something that would hurt a separate character, but that is all. Safety is ever-present, shining behind everyone and everything. Tune into this real safety and rest. Your path becomes obvious from here.

You are joined in joy with all, and this never changes. We are happy to help you remember and see and experience.

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