
There is a difference between laughing at the idea that separation could ever be real and laughing separate aspects of a separation that you believe is real. The difference is feeling–the one thing you are capable of judging. In the first case, your laughter releases you into reality. In the second case, you believe that there is something particularly unfortunate about fantasy, treating fantasy as if it is real. When you laugh at the idea that separation could be real, here you Are, safe at Home in Reality. When you laugh at an aspect of the illusion while believing you’re in it, you keep yourself believing it is real.

Laughter is your companion as you let go of illusion. As you become more sensitive to the feeling of being caught in ego, you start to allow Spirit to use that laughter. You cannot judge the laughter or any separate thing you seem to see, but you can judge how you feel.

Ego can offer an idea of a separate one in an illusion being too harsh. What is actually harsh is the attachment to the perception of separation. From this harshness, you project the illusion of a harshness out there belonging to someone else. As you become more and more sensitive to how you feel, you start to see that you are being very harsh to yourself and all as you listen to ego. Ego thoughts believed build your perception and experience, and then ego sends in thought to judge that perception and experience. This is all that is happening, and it’s only being dreamed. It’s not really happening at all.

The only wrongness you can see “out there” is a disguise. It’s a disguise you projected out in fear, and it disguises the love you and all Are. A sick mind needs rest, and fortunately there is always rest available to you and all within. Go within and remember what Spirit says to you. Open the door to what Spirit would share with you now. As you accept Spirit’s offering, you share it with all.

The only way ego knows how to function is to clamp down. Ego clamps down on an idea of something separate and handles it. You see repetitions of this pattern everywhere you look–egos clamping down on separate concepts and handling various situations.

Perception can be given to Spirit. Spirit uses perception to inspire. Spirit always guides your gaze past any opposing evaluations of surfaces to the reality of whatever you look upon–the light shining eternally behind and through it. Allow the meaning to be taken away from surfaces, and understand the one meaning that is present everywhere and can safely extend through everyone and everything.

Here you are, in the light and as the light. Here all are, in the light and as the light. Spirit can handle your perception of surfaces, and you need only rest.

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